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Visiting Our Sister Site Myths-Dreams-Symbols The Psychology of Dreams...On-Line Since 1998
Dream Dictionary Dream Dictionary: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Numbers | Colors This dream dictionary will help in translating the dream language. It is 'Jungian' based and focuses on the best possible applications of the dream images and actions in relationship to the emotional energies found in dreams. It references the symbolic and metaphorical value of the images/actions that are representative of the personal and universal/archetypal emotional patterns that are the subject matter in our dreams. Individual Symbols & Motifs Alphabet | Animals | Birds | Body Parts | Bugs & Insects | Car | Celebrity | Characters | Chase Dreams | Cheating Dreams | Clothing Colors | Common Symbols | Death | Death Dreams | Disasters | Falling | Feelings | Flying | Food | Home | House | Naked/Nude | Numbers | Places Pregnancy | Relationships | School | Sex | Snake | Teeth | Tests | Tools | Travel | Vanity | Wedding _______________________________________________________
Placed On-Line 5-16-04 ![]() |
A - Dreams are theraputic. They are nature's tool to help understand and reconcile the unconscious emotional energies that govern the conscious life. They are not ego centered but are psyche events within the unconscious. Just as nature gave the body the immune system to help heal and protect, so to nature provides the dream for the psych{ology}. Note: Many of the images and actions in dreams are also found in mythology. Myth is the collective dream, universal patterns of behavior of a culture and society {including spirituality/religion}. Dreams chronical the indivdual patterns of behavior of the dreamer. Dreams and myths share many of the same images and use the same metaphors to represent patterns of emotional behavior, individual and universal. B - Dreams are about the emotions. Your dreams are about you. Other people, named and unnamed, are in 'relationship' to you and your emotional life. They are referencing your emotional life and the energies that support and govern it. C - The primary language of dreams is symbol and metaphor. But there are also 'literal' applications. The house can be both your literal home but would also be a reference to you, you are the house. What happens in the house is happening to you. What happened in your 'literal' house possessed emotional energies that need examination and resolution D - All dreams have at least two 'meanings', or applications. One application would address recent experiences and/or later life expereinces that possessed emotional energies. A confrontation with a co-worker for instance that caused emotional 'dis-stress'. The dream attempts to help reconcile the experience and relieve the 'dis-stress'. The literal application is secondary to the metaphorical application. --A second application {using the same images/actions} would focus on the underlying causation to personality and personal attitudes. This is the metaphorical reference and the primary language of dreams. You act and re-act in particular ways because you experienced life in an environment that shaped your personality and personal attitudes. If both your parents smoked cigarettes there is a good chance you will also. The literal applications would be addressing emotional issues realted to the dreamer as a smoker of cigarettes. The metaphorical reference would point to issues of dependency {on cigarettes or some other issue}. Note: Images and actions of or related to children is often found in dreams. The images could be of to a unknown child or some other child other than the dreamer but the reference would be about the dreamer's childhood. This is especially true if the reference is in the opening of a dream. Childhood is when the foundations to personality and attitudes are formed and most all dreams will reference these foundations {using a child or some other image/actions}. The actions will fit standard patterns of the dreamer's attitudes and are discernable by analyzing and translating the images and actions. Absent personal information a trained analyst can provide an outline of the emotional energies {as I do at the Dream Forum}. With personal information the more recent experiences can be identified along with the emotional energies that govern the personal experience. ![]() |